Pro Staff
Jay Gregory
Willi Schmidt
Kyle Wieter
Justin Martin
Mike Pelletier
Dean Davis
Kip Campbell
Brittney Glaze

Jay Gregory
On PSE’s Wild Outdoors, Jay Gregory bowhunts everything – and he loves it! He has traveled across the country hunting species from caribou to sandhill cranes with his bow, but his obsession is for Midwest wild whitetails. He is probably most well-known for his ability to consistently figure out and harvest mature bucks year after year. His top bucks include a 198″, 193″, 191″, 190″, 186″, 183″, and 182″. It is no wonder PSE’s Wild Outdoors is the longest running hunting show on Outdoor Channel. Jay loves his PSE Omen and he loves to Bowhunt Everything.

Willi Schmidt
Willi Schmidt has no fear of taking on the world’s toughest environments and most dangerous or elusive species by himself. And he’s made it his mission to become stronger, faster and better every day while feeding his passion for Pure Hunting and sharing his discoveries with the world.
As a regular host for Winchester’s Whitetail Revolution series on Versus Network, Willi Schmidt is no stranger to the world of big-time, prime-time hunting. But even if there were no cameras pointed at him, Willi would be doing what he was made to do: Hunt. Unlike most TV hunters nowadays, Willi doesn’t hunt just to be in front of cameras, he hunts because it’s in his blood, and he’s driven to be the very best. Last fall alone he completed four elk hunts, one bighorn sheep bow hunt, a mule deer hunt, and a whitetail hunt¬-and that’s just what he did for fun in between all the deer hunts required for the TV series.
After years of showing just his whitetail hunting abilities for Whitetail Revolution, Willi is ready to show the world the full breadth of his passion for hunting. From the wilds of Alaska to the harsh outback of Australia to the rugged Rocky Mountains, he’s determined to prove that he ranks among the best in the world on any playing field. And like any athlete at the top of his game, preparation is everything. Willi puts himself through grueling daily workouts using P90x2-the advanced version of the intense hardcore training regimen known as P90x in addition to running and biking all of which keeps him in incredible athletic shape and ready to tackle any environment. He also spends countless hours training with his weapons, scouting and glassing new terrain, studying maps and analyzing weather patterns to make sure he’s ready for what he will face from the very first moment of the hunt.
Willi has been hunting since before he can remember, starting with upland and waterfowl hunting when he was a boy, and gradually taking on more and more big game species. He began bowhunting in 1992 and has been addicted ever since, taking every opportunity he can to pursue the world’s toughest game with a bow when possible. Willi is also an ardent conservationist who has a first-¬hand love of our world’s precious landscapes and wildlife, and believes strongly in the importance of protecting them for his children and grandchildren to come.
Recent memorable adventures: South Africa 2006, archery, Harvested Blue Wildebeest and Impala. Prince of Wales archery black bear hunt in 2007, drop camp by an outfitter, DIY. “Trifecta” 2009, 3 archery bulls in 3 states in 30 days (NM, CO, MT). Colorado archery Bighorn sheep 2010. 4 archery elk hunts in 2010 (NM, WY, CO, MT), including a wilderness hunt in Wyoming.

Kyle Wieter
Heading into our 5th season with Adrenaline, and it has been a wild ride. Kyle had been in the hunting industry for several years prior to producing our show. His passion for the sport quickly became a reality when he made his first pilot and took off for Vegas to the Shot Show, where he was introduced to one of the hunting industries biggest, David Blanton of Realtree. Several weeks later we received a phone call from David, he had watched the pilot, liked what he saw and wanted to help us get on our way with television. Realtree, along with their partners, worked hard to give us a chance in the television market. Adrenaline has continued to grow each year and we look forward to the future years to come!

Justin Martin
Justin Martin, 35, of Enterprise, Alabama has lived most of his life from behind a bow. Starting at age 10, Justin fell in love with the sport of archery and continues to have that passion to this day.
In 1998, Martin won the ASA Open A Shooter of the Year title which goes to the top amateur archer in the country. In 1999, he turned pro and began his dream of competing in archery tournaments on the professional level. In 2001, Martin won the IBO Male Pro Shooter of the Year title. Only two short years later he won what many consider to be the top title in all of archery, the 2003 Buckmasters World Championship.
Justin Martin continues to be a top finisher at national and world championship archery events. The idea behind “The Season” came from the conjunction of his love of hunting with his years of production experience.
“Too many people see the pro hunters on TV today and don’t really relate to them because the guy watching TV doesn’t get to hunt every day, all day or get to go to some of the remote locations that these guys do. I want to use my platform as an accomplished archer to show the guys and girls watching my show that I have a real job, real life and real responsibilities—just like they do. Along the way, we will get to hunt some really cool places and have a lot of fun all while taking care of business and family at home,” said Martin.
Martin’s accomplishments don’t only apply to archery. He was a kicker at Auburn University after having an amazing high school football career. He still holds several high school and state records. He’s also a successful homebuilder in his hometown of Enterprise, Alabama. With the support of his wife, Anna Beth, he is able to bring all of the facets to the table in the production of “The Season.”
Archery Accomplishments
2003 Buckmasters World Champion
2005 Buckmasters World Championship 2nd
2007 Buckmasters World Championship 2nd
2001 IBO Male Pro Shooter of the Year
Justin still competes heavily in 12-14 national events each year and is a consistent top finisher in the Open Pro class.

Mike Pelletier
The host for HARDCORE Pursuit has been an avid outdoorsman since he was 10 years old. His dream came true when his friends from HCP asked him to host the show, thinking that now he really has an excuse to be in the woods 24/7 – 365 days a year! He’s totally dedicated and seriously addicted to the outdoors, trophy big game hunting and chasing migratory fish. With nearly 30 years of hardcore hunting and fishing experience, he’s really starting to perfect his skills and make the most out of his time afield. On the weekdays, Mike is a dedicated General Sales Manager for a television advertising company, working many locations in the mid west. He also enjoys exercising, remodeling and spending time with his great family.

Dean Davis
Dean has been involved in the hunting industry for the past 18 years, as a hunting guide for Tara Wildlife, a producer, editor and host for Primos’ Truth About Hunting and the Truth Series Videos, and producer/ editor for Mississippi Outdoors. During his years as senior editor at Primos, Dean won many Outdoor channel Golden Moose awards including Fan Favorite, Best Big Game Footage, Best Commercial, Best Waterfowl and more. Dean has three younger boys now and can’t wait to share their hunting experiences with you as well.

Kip Campbell
Kip grew up in the country near the banks of the James River in Central Virginia and spent his days bow hunting, fishing and playing sports at Fork Union Military Academy. Kip knew early on he wanted to work with a weapon in his hand, so the military, law enforcement or pro-hunter were the only jobs that would be acceptable in his mind. The last option seemed pretty far fetched… seeing as how he didn’t come from a “big buck” part of the country and had no tie in with a hunting companies.
After high school, he attended Lynchburg College where it all fell into place. Playing on the Lynchburg Lacrosse team took up much of his time at school but he continued bow hunt whenever he could. In his second year, he switched his major to communications and started making short films and hunting videos. This gave Kip less time in the classroom and more time in the field. He also found that editing was something he really enjoyed. Then when Chad came to school there in 2003 they formed Shotfish Productions Inc. and started filming what would be the first pilot episode of Red Arrow.
Although today the Red Arrow crew hunts all over the world, Kip still lives in the small town of Fork Union and frequently hunts some of the same ground he hunted as a kid. He wants to see Red Arrow TV become bigger, better and more entertaining each year. More importantly he wants Red Arrow viewers to understand just what hunting and living in the country means to everyone involved with Red Arrow. He lives for the thrill of killing animals with his bow and enjoying the outdoors with family and friends.

Brittney Glaze
Brittney Glaze is 25 years old and is an avid outdoorswoman, full time model and tv host of Destination Whitetail. She was born and raised in Georgia and has always loved the outdoors. She didn’t start hunting until she was in high school and immediately had a passion for it. When she is not modeling she is in the woods hog or deer hunting.
Brittney’s modeling experience includes, magazine spreads, billboards and covers of national magazines Maxim, Gun and Garden, Deer & Deer Hunting, and Modern Hunter just to name a few.
“I’m really excited about being the new host for Destination Whitetail this season. I can’t wait to hunt whitetail in some of the places I have only dreamed of going to. Hunting with my new team in these places is proof that dreams come true.”